Emerging from a mysterious laboratory in Japari Park, a human child encounters two Friends, Serval and Caracal, who name her Kyururu. After finding a sketchbook where Kyururu emerged from, the group travel to the locations drawn in the sketchbook in order to find Kyururu's home. Along the way, they come across Indian Spot-Billed Duck, who leads them to the second location in Kyururu's book, a monorail station. When a Cerulean appears, Indian Spot-Billed Duck distracts it while the others head onto the monorail before another mysterious Friend defeats the Cerulean.
프렌즈들이 평화롭게 살아가는 자파리 파크. 카라칼은 숲속에서 길 잃은 한 아이를 만나게 된다. 그 아이를 돕기 위해 함께 모험을 떠나기로 한 서벌과 카라칼이었는데.
Caracal e Serval encontram um tipo de amigo diferente perdido no parque... Será que elas serão capazes de ajudar esse amigo?!
Dans l’immense parc animalier où vivent Serval et Caracal, tout irait pour le mieux sans l’existence d’affreux prédateurs, les Céruléens. Car les deux amies ne sont pas des jeunes filles ordinaires, mais des Amimales, mi-humaines mi-animales. Pour aider un enfant égaré, elles vont devoir quitter leur habitat naturel, la savane, et partir à l’aventure.