An anime preview DVD for an anime adaptation bundled with the 10th limited-edition volume of Karneval manga.
J Michael Tatum, the US script writer as well as playing Captain Tsukitachi of Airship One, gives his personal views on the series – and encourages cosplayers to copy the colourful costumes.
Circus goes to Rinoll, the ice crystal city. Hirato sends them a warm snowman, Yukkin, which was invented in the Research Tower. Back on the ship, the Circus council discusses Nai and Gareki's circumstances, Nai being an experimental specimen. They enter a vacation house to check up on it, when leaving, Yuukin becomes trapped in a hole and is found by strangers. Nai runs off to find Yuukin, and we learn that the strangers were enemies of Circus who were trying to hide evidence left in the vacation house. Nai, Yogi, and Gareki fall into the hole, which turns out to be man made and leads to the mansion. They find a small, moving box. Yuukin travels and finds Tsukumo, unaware of the enemies close by. They confront her, but the rest of the Circus group returns after bombing the surface with one of Gareki's devices.
Second Ship and First Ship of Circus are off to save Karoku. They manage to take over the security system and take over the mansion, but they can't find Karoku!Karoku is shown with another person talking about Nai coming. Nai remembers his days as an animal with Karoku and reaches for the sky, where the forest opens a rainbow gate, assumedly to Karoku.