As Ichijō is removed by the men in black, Kaiji tells him to fight his way back to the surface for a rematch. Meanwhile, Kaiji's friends cash in the balls he won for a total of over ¥729 million. Kaiji, Sakazaki and Endō settle their debts and split the remainder for almost ¥190 million each, from which Kaiji must pay back his friends in the underground labor camp. However, during a night of drinking and celebration, Endō drugs the other two and extracts his cut of Kaiji's money for the extortionate interest he charged for the last ¥10 million that he lent him, leaving Kaiji just over ¥61 million. The next day, the men in black arrive to pick up the money from Kaiji and free his underground friends, including the son of Ishida. However, on the day the Forty-fivers arrive on the surface, Kaiji is too ashamed to meet them because he lost his remaining money on a pachinko machine. Taking pity, one of the men in black lends him some money to celebrate with them.
치열한 접전 끝에 불법 카지노의 주인, 늪도 결국 무릎을 꿇었다. 상상조차 해본 적 없는 거금을 손에 넣은 카이지 일행. 그 돈으로 카이지와 45조는 기적의 탈출을 이뤄냈지만, 카이지는 검은 양복에게 추가로 한 가지 부탁을 한다. 과연 카이지의 바람은 이루어질 수 있을 것인가?
La victoire est totale pour Kaiji, Sakazaki et Endô, qui doivent maintenant s'en partager les dividendes. Une dernière et funeste surprise, néanmoins, attend encore Kaiji…