Kurosaki intervenes and tells Ōtsuki that he has no choice but to play, and in the end, he loses 18,252,000 perica which Kaiji splits equally between the Forty-fivers. Kaiji then asks Kurosaki to approve their requests for the one-day outside pass and he agrees. The Forty-fivers insist that Kaiji should keep the money and twenty one-day outside passes, leaving him with ¥800,000 (around US$7,800) to gamble for the team and pay off their debts. Now back in society above ground, Kaiji meets Sakazaki Kōtarō who is looking for a partner to win big in the illegal casinos. Kaiji accepts his offer, and is taken to an illegal casino where he sees a huge Pachinko machine called "The Bog". Each ball is worth 1,000 times more than normal and the jackpot is worth ¥550 million, more than enough to free Kaiji from debt.
大槻との大勝負に勝ち、大金を手にした45組。その額1800万ペリカ。カイジの博才に賭け、その全額をカイジに託し、シャバへと送り出す。 地獄からの生還を遂げたカイジが、シャバで許された滞在時間20日間、元金80万円。地下に残る45組5人の分を含めた借金6075万円を返済する金を作るべく、金を増やす起死回生の方法を探し求めるカイジの前にある男が現れる。そして・・・
오오츠키와의 승부에서 이겨 거금을 손에 넣은 카이지와 45조. 45조는 카이지를 믿고 모든 돈을 맡긴다. 드디어 외출권으로 사회에 나온 카이지. 45조 동료들의 빚을 갚기 위하여, 주어진 20일 내로 돈을 불릴 방법을 찾는 카이지. 그런 카이지 앞에 한 남자가 나타난다.
Kurosaki, cadre du groupe Teiai, confirme à Ôtsuki qu'il doit continuer de jouer selon les règles énoncées par Kaiji. Ce dernier obtient finalement sa permission de sortie. De retour à la surface, il a une nouvelle mission : miser l'argent que ses camarades du Club 45 lui ont donné pour apurer leurs dettes et les siennes.