While Kaiji is on medical duty, he meets the son of Ishida, Hiromitsu, who is also working underground for his debt, but blames his father for not bailing him out. Angrily Kaiji berates him for not accepting his own weaknesses. Later, Kaiji insults Ōtsuki who then makes life a misery for Kaiji and the Forty-fivers, but after three months they all return to full pay. Meanwhile, Kurosaki Yoshihiro, Tonegawa's replacement, observes Kaiji through CCTV. When the gambling night begins, Kaiji proposes no betting limit before he will join in and Ōtsuki accepts.
오오츠키에게 복수할 것을 결심한 카이지와 45조. 하지만 괴롭힘과 왕따, 심지어 목숨까지 위협을 받으며 카이지 일행은 괴로움을 겪는다. 3개월간의 고생 끝에 겨우 빚을 청산하고 제대로 된 월급을 받은 카이지 일행은, 복수를 위해 악마의 도박장으로 발걸음을 옮긴다.
Kaiji a convaincu les membres du Club 45 de ne plus emprunter d'argent et de tenir quelques mois pour récupérer l'intégralité de leur paie, qu'ils pourront mettre en commun afin de les jouer contre Ôtsuki. Mais pendant tout ce temps, ils doivent subir la méchanceté de leurs tortionnaires…