Der Clubraum des Popmusikklubs ist wegen Reparaturarbeiten für eine Woche gesperrt. Die Mädchen müssen schnell einen anderen Ort zum Proben finden, denn bis zum Schulfest bleibt nicht mehr viel Zeit…
The club room is closed for repairs, leaving the girls nowhere for practice. While trying to find a suitable location for their practicing, the girls try to come up with lyrics for the song Tsumugi wrote. Failing to find anywhere in the school to practice, they rent out a studio, but end up wasting time discussing lyrics and run out of time before they can practice, though the club room reopens the next day. The following night, Ui helps Yui write some lyrics, but ends up catching a cold, leaving Yui, who has always relied on her, to look after her instead. Realizing how important she is to her, Yui writes some lyrics dedicated to Ui, which are approved by the other club members.
Por fin las chicas dicen de ensañar, pero una mala noticia frustra su decisión… Su aula no se puede utilizar por encontrarse en obras.
Un dégât des eaux prive le club de musique de sa salle de répétition.
Le festival du lycée est dans moins d'un mois, et Yui et ses amis se retrouvent pendant 10 jours sans endroit pour répéter !
En attendant de trouver un lieu, les cinq lycéennes décident d'écrire des paroles pour une prochaine chanson.
동아리방 아래 교실 천장에서 물이 샌단 이유로 동아리방을 쓸 수 없게 된 경음악부. 축제까지 이제 한 달도 채 안 남은 상황 속에서, 달리 연습을 할 수 있는 장소를 찾아야 하는데..