Yui will bei den bevorstehenden Semesterprüfungen ihr Bestes geben. Dieser Vorsatz gerät allerdings ins Wanken, als die freundliche Oma von nebenan sie bittet, an einem Talentwettbewerb teilzunehmen…
As the finals approach, Yui is struggling with her studies. One of Yui's neighbours, a kindly old lady who's always taken care of her, tells Yui about an upcoming talent show event taking place right after the finals. Wanting to pay her back, Yui decides to enter, though the others are concerned about her juggling two priorities. Azusa decides to join her act and help her study for the finals. After their tests, Yui and Azusa perform their routine. Though they didn't win, Yui gives her participation prize to the old lady as thanks. Yui manages to pass her test with high scores.
Podremos ver cómo Yui se pone las pilas tanto en los estudios como con la práctica de con la guitarra, ya que una anciana vecina que siempre ha estado con ella le pide un favor.
Yui a rendu son formulaire d'orientation.
Bien qu'elle ne sache toujours pas concrètement ce qu'elle fera l'an prochain, elle a pris la résolution de faire des efforts.
La jeune fille prend petit à petit conscience des choses, et s'investit davantage dans différents domaines.
기말시험이 다가오고 수업이 끝나면 찾아가던 음악실 대신 도서관에서 공부를 하는 경음악부 3학년들. 공부에 열중하는 미오, 츠무기와는 달리, 유이와 리츠는 평소와 다름없이 공부에 집중을 못 하는데..