Was will ich nach dem Abschluss machen? Im letzten Schuljahr müssen auch die Mädchen des Popmusikklubs diese schwere Entscheidung treffen…
While filling in University Choice forms, Yui and Ritsu get in trouble for not being decisive enough about their future. Nodoka tells the others about how Yui somehow became friends with her after they met in kindergarten and how she has improved since joining the light music club. Mio and Ritsu later tell how they met and how Ritsu helped Mio when she was nervous about reading her award-winning essay in front of others in fourth grade. When Yui attempts to put 'musician' as her career choice only to be rejected, Nodoka cannot help but laugh. Yui asks her classmates for some advice, but still gets confused, so she just says she will do her best for now, which is still rejected.
Yui Hirasawa y sus amigas intentan salvar el club de música, sin embargo deben superar su primer obstáculo de no saber nada de música o de tocar instrumentos.
Yui et ses camarades, à présent en terminale, doivent songer à ce qu’elles feront l'an prochain.
À l'exception de Ritsu, toutes les camarades de Yui savent déjà où elles iront après être sorties du lycée.
Il est temps pour la jeune guitariste de réfléchir sérieusement à son avenir...
우이는 유이가 진로를 아직 결정하지 않은 것에 놀란다. 그런 유이와, 진로 조사표를 미정으로 제출한 리츠는 사와코 선생님에게 교무실 호출을 받는다. 둘을 걱정하던 우이와 미오는 츠무기에게 어린 시절 유이와 리츠에 대한 얘기를 들려준다.