Während die vier älteren Mädels auf Klassenfahrt in Kyoto sind, merken Azusa und Ui, wie einsam sie ohne Freundinnen und Schwester sind. Gemeinsam mit Jun versuchen sie, das Beste aus der Situation zu machen.
Azusa and Ui, along with their classmate Jun, spend time together while the third years are on their trip to Kyoto. Noticing that Ui would be lonely without her sister around, Jun and Azusa decide to sleepover at her house, in exchange for Azusa helping out with her underclassmen in the jazz club. After spending the night, they wake up to a rainy day. They go to an arcade where Ui hits a home run in a batting game, before Azusa is reminded that she needs to feed Ton. While in the music room, the three decide to have a jam session together. The other girls return the next day and give Azusa a keychain, one of a set that spells out 'light music club'.
Durante el viaje de Ritsu, Mio, Mugi y Yui, la otra integrante del grupo, Anzu, deberá matar el tiempo como pueda… Y lo hará junto con una amiga y la hermana de Yui.
Les terminale étant en voyage scolaire à Kyoto, il ne reste plus que les première et les seconde au lycée Sakuragaoka.
Comment Azusa, Ui et Jun ont-elles vécu l'absence de leurs amies et sœur ?
아즈사와 우이는 수학여행을 간 유이에게서 재미있게 지내고 있다는 문자를 받는다. 3학년들이 없는 학교에서, 좋아하는 언니가 없는 우이를 염려한 아즈사와 준은 유이를 데리고 평소와 다른 학교의 분위기를 즐긴다.