When Aihara Ame was a high school student in Nagasaki, she wasn’t confident in herself due to her past. Asano Taiyo was a student attending the same school as Aihara Ame. He was the only person who talked to her brightly. With him, she was able to see her life positively for the first time in her life. She had feelings for him. After her graduation, she went to Tokyo to fulfill her dream of becoming a patissier without telling Asano Taiyo about her feelings for him.
After 8 years, she returns to Nagasaki. One day, she meets Asano Taiyo, whom she has never forgotten, and is elated to see him again. An accident soon occurs, and Aihara Ame falls into deep despair. A man appears in front of her and introduces himself as a guide from the afterlife. He tells her that if she gives her heart to him, he will make a miracle for her.
- Kimi ga Kokoro wo Kureta Kara
تتحدث القصة عن آمي وتايو اللذان يملكان مشاعر قوية تجاه بعضهم منذ الثانوية، لكن لم يعبرا أبدًا عن مشاعرهما يلتقيان فيما بعد ولكن يقع حادث ويظهر رجل أمام آمي يدعي أنه من الحياة الآخرة سيقدم لها معجزة إذا سلبها قلبُها.
Quando Ame Aihara (Mei Nagano) era uma estudante do ensino médio em Nagasaki, ela não tinha confiança em si mesma devido ao seu passado. Taiyo Asano (Yuki Yamada) era um estudante da mesma escola que Ame Aihara.
Ele foi a única pessoa que conversou com ela de maneira brilhante. Com ele, ela conseguiu ver sua vida de forma positiva pela primeira vez na vida. Ela tinha sentimentos por ele. Após a formatura, ela foi para Tokyo realizar seu sonho de se tornar confeiteira sem contar a Taiyo Asano sobre seus sentimentos por ele.
Ame Aihara, una estudiante de preparatoria, tiene problemas de autoestima, pero encuentra consuelo en Taiyo Asano, su gentil compañero de clase, y en su sueño secreto de convertirse en una excelente chef repostera. Sin embargo, como ella no se atrevió a contarle a Taiyo sus verdaderos sentimientos, ellos nunca hablaron de lo que sentían el uno por el otro. Ocho años después, se reencuentran ya convertidos en adultos, pero la desgracia se presenta cuando Taiyo sufre un grave accidente. Un misterioso personaje le ofrece a Ame la oportunidad de salvarlo, pero a cambio ella debe renunciar a sus cinco sentidos.