John vil så gerne være god til at snitte i træ. Men hans diller kommer på tværs. Det gør den også når han skal slå telt op, binde knob og finde vej i skoven. Men heldigvis kan dilleren også være den bedste hjælp når det går helt galt. Har du måske nogen sinde set en kængurustylte der kan hoppe op over skoven? Det kan John - med dilleren.
John would then like to be good at carving in wood. But his craze comes across. It does so too when he has to pitch a tent, tie knots and find his way in the woods. But luckily the diller can also be the best help when things go completely wrong. Have you ever seen a kangaroo stilt that can jump over the forest? John can do that - with the diller.