KBS1's 32nd Daeha Drama follows the life Jang Yeong-Sil: a scientist, technician and inventor during the Joseon period.
Jang Yeong-Sil was born in the lower class nobi. King Sejong notices his abilities and brings him to the palace. King Sejong grants him a chance to display his abilities. He invents tools like astronomical instruments, iron printing press and a water clock.
- Jang Yeong-Sil
- Jang Young Shil
- Jang Youngsil
- Jang Youngsil: The Greatest Scientist of Joseon
Fils d'une courtisane, Jang Yeong-Sil ne peut prétendre qu'au plus bas des statuts sociaux. Il est néanmoins pourvu de capacités exceptionnelles dans l'artisanat, les sciences et l'ingénierie qui, remarquées par le roi Sejong en personne, lui permettent d'intégrer la cour royale et lui donnent la chance d'approfondir puis de mettre en pratique ses ingénieuses découvertes.
유교만이 세계의 질서로 여겨지던 시대에 천출로 태어나 평생을 노비로 살 뻔했으나, 궁에 들어가 15세기 조선의 과학기술을 세계 최고를 만들어 내는 천재 과학자 장영실의 일대기를 그린 역사 과학드라마