The pirate kids are having a beach party on Pirate Island, and Jake rocks the party by playing his guitar. Unfortunately, the music ruins Captain Hook's nap and he snatches the guitar away from Jake as he plays a special song. The crew attempts to reclaim the guitar from Captain Hook who plans to throw it in a volcano called Belch Mountain.
Skully finds Izzy's hipster twister hoop that lights up when she twists and wiggles. Meanwhile, Mr. Smee accidentally breaks the steering wheel on Captain Hook's ship. In order for him to get a replacement wheel, Hook sends Never Bird to swipe Izzy's twister hoop. Can the pirate kids get the hoop back from the Never Bird?
Jake and his friends are about to have pirate snack time. Meanwhile, Captain Hook has gotten tired of Mr. Smee's disgusting dishes and wants something tasty. He does get something tasty--the pirate kids' healthy snacks! Jake and the crew attempt to retrieve their snacks before Captain Hook eats them all.
Jake and the pirate kids are playing basketball on the Good Ship Bucky. Cubby needs practice making a basket, so Izzy helps him by sprinkling pixie dust on the ball. Unfortunately, it causes the basketball to float away. Captain Hook ends up catching the ball, and he refuses to give it back until a wave washes it away. Jake and his crew go in search of getting their ball back, and Hook challenges the pirate kids to a basketball game.
Jake and his crew check to make sure the Good Ship Bucky is in working order. Meanwhile, Captain Hook is setting a course to look for a sunken treasure when the Jolly Roger gets stuck. So, Hook and Smee attempt to steal Bucky, but they start to think it's haunted. Can Jake and the crew get Bucky back to Pirate Island?
Cubby finds a soccer ball on the shore, and the crew begins playing soccer. But during the game, Captain Hook manages to catch the ball so he could take it back to Never Land. Jake and the crew must find their soccer ball on Never Peak Mountain, where it ended up after Hook kicked it. Can the pirate kids get there soccer ball back before Hook and Smee do?
Captain Hook and Mr. Smee have been walking through Never Land Jungle in search of treasure, and Hook begins to get tired. When they see Jake and his pirate friends riding on a bicycle built for three, Hook and Smee manage to sneak away on it. Can the pirate kids be able to catch up to Hook and get their wheels back?
While Jake and his crew are fishing, Cubby discovers a bottle with a message in it. It is a clue to a secret legendary treasure of a fisherman pirate named Captain Fisher. Jake's crew aren't the only ones who want to hunt for this treasure, Captain Hook and Smee want to get to it too. Can Jake and his mateys find Captain Fisher's secret treasure before Hook does?
The pirate kids set a course to their favorite picnic spot where giant butterflies dwell. Jake even makes up a fun song and dance about how to get there. However, Captain Hook steals their map thinking it leads to a buried treasure. Can Jake and his crew try to stop Captain Hook from digging up their favorite picnic spot?
The pirates discover Jake and his crew receive a note from Peter Pan about a rare flower that only blooms once every hundred years called the Never Bloom. The pirate kids follow Pan's compass to get to the flower, but can they get to the place where the Never Bloom is before Captain Hook and his crew does?
Captain Hook hurts his finger while hammering in a nail, and he wishes for his mother to sing to him to make his boo-boo go away. Hook hears a singing starfish in the distance, which happens to be Marina's pet she calls Sandy. Jake and his crew watch Sandy as Marina goes off to do water ballet when Hook steals him so he can hear him sing. Will Jake and his crew get Sandy back to Marina?
Jake and his mateys prepare for a beach party when they find that some of their things were missing. At first they think it was Captain Hook, who finds that his rubber ducky was missing too. So, while the Jolly Roger is being repaired, Jake and Hook team up to find whoever it was who's been taking their things from them. They find that it was a seal who likes to juggle. Can Jake and his mates get the seal and Hook to give everything back?
Jake and his crew receive a message from Peter Pan about a legendary emerald coconut for Cubby to take a picture of. Unfortunately, Captain Hook steals the coconut to add it to his collection and traps Jake and Izzy in a cage. The only way for them to be free is for Cubby to put back the emerald coconut in its place. Will Cubby and Skully get the coconut back from Hook?
Jake and his crew receive a map and message in a bottle from Peter Pan showing them the way to Pirate's Plunge where they can cool off. Captain Hook wants the map for himself, and he tries to take it from Jake when they lose it. The bottle lands in the Crocodile's mouth, and he swallows it. Will the pirate kids find a way to retrieve the map from the Crocodile's belly?
The pirate kids plan on having a dance party with Marina the Mermaid, and Jake learns how to dance by moving to the beat of Peter Pan's old bongos that Cubby plays. Even Captain Hook couldn't keep himself from dancing to the beat of Cubby's bongos, and he wants to take them away to stop himself and Jake's crew from dancing. Unfortunately, a monkey steals the drums from Hook and wouldn't stop playing them. Will the pirate kids get Cubby's bongos back, and will Jake learn to do the Skullenbones Stomp before the party?
While Jake and his crew are playing volleyball, Cubby discovers a large wooden elephant. This was to be a gift for Jake and his crew, but Captain Hook and Smee are hidden inside the elephant. The two scoundrals take off with the crew's treasures after the three put the elephant in their treasure room and leave for lunch. When the pirate kids find that the wooden elephant is rolling away, can they catch up to it and get all their treasures back?
Marina the Mermaid comes to Jake and his crew for an emergency. Captain Hook is threatening to dig up and destroy Coral Cove with his treasure digging machine in search of the "Treasure With Eight Arms". Will Jake and his crew stop Hook and his machine from destroying Coral Cove and the creatures' homes?
Jake and his crew discover that Captain Hook and his band of sneaks have taken their Team Treasure Chest where they collect and store all their gold doubloons. Hook and his crew paint an old chest to make it look like Jake's chest so the pirate kids will think they really found it. Will the pirate kids be fooled, or will they get back their real Team Treasure Chest?
Skully introduces Jake and his crew to his new bird friend, Winger. She is in search of the Golden SkyBird Treasure. Jake and his crew help Winger search for SkyBird Island where a treasure awaits. Cubby can't find SkyBird Island on his map, so Izzy uses her pixie dust to help the crew fly to the island in the sky. Can the pirate kids and birds make it through the birdy playground to the bird statue before Hook and Smee do?
It's Halloween, and the pirate kids are going to Never Land in search of the golden pumpkin. Captain Hook, who doesn't believe Mr. Smee at first, wants to go after the golden pumpkin himself. Will Jake and his crew make it to the pirate pumpkin patch before Hook and his crew get there and sneak away with the golden pumpkin?
Captain Hook discovers a funny smell and it's coming from Bones's new pet, the stinky Skunk Bug. He tells him to get rid of it at once to discard it to Pirate Island forcing Jake, Izzy, Cubby and Skully to find a home for the stinky creature. They say that Stink-Pot Swamp is a perfect home for the stinky Skunk Bug. Later, Mr. Smee makes codfish stew with bugs in it and Izzy uses her pixie dust to put them to the same place where the crew drop the Skunk Bug off leading insects to their new home, Far Far Away Island.
Michael and John love hearing Wendy's stories about Never Land, especially when Peter Pan outsmarts Captain Hook! But that sneaky snook Hook hates to look like a bumbling fool, so he flies to London, steals Wendy's storybook, and sets off to destroy her stories once and for all. Peter Pan sends Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Skully, and Tinker Bell to London to help Wendy, John, and Michael find Hook and retrieve Wendy's book. Unfortunately, without the book, Wendy, John, and Michael start to forget the stories and their adventures on Never Land. Soon, Captain Hook also forgets about the book. Eventually, Peter Pan finally arrives and joins the quest. Later, Wendy convinces Hook that, in the stories, he is the greatest villain of all, and Hook decides not to destroy the book and gives it back to Wendy.
Captain Jake must repair Captain Gizmo, but Doctor Undergear has other plans.
A phantom pirate named Captain Wraith turns Hook, Smee and Jake into ghosts.