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Season 1

  • S01E01 Meet Baal Krishna

    • October 19, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    As Kansa's sins cross the limits, Vishnu declares his next incarnation. Later, Vishnu makes his appearance as Baal Krishna, described by Yashoda.

  • S01E02 Kans To Kill Devaki?

    • October 20, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Kans learns that his sister, Devaki will give birth to the son that will be his death and tries to kill her. However Muni Narada convinces him otherwise.

  • S01E03 Yashoda Helps Rohini

    • October 21, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    While Kans raises the security of his prison, Rohini asks Yashoda's help in protecting Devaki's child. Later, Rohini sneaks into Devaki's cell with a special cloth.

  • S01E04 Kans Suspects Foul Play

    • October 22, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    As Kans barges into Devaki's cell, Lord Vishnu makes Rohini invisible to Kans' eyes. Later, Lord Vishnu thinks of reincarnating himself.

  • S01E05 Devaki meets Lord Vishnu

    • October 25, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    When Devaki takes the decision to end her life, Lord Vishnu brings her to meet him and tells her a out the inevitable. Later, Devaki warns Kans about his end.

  • S01E06 Krishna Is Born

    • October 26, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Devaki gives birth to Krishna and Vasudev takes him to Yashoda by successfully crossing all hurdles. Later, Vasudev is worried when he sees another child in the crib.

  • S01E07 A Shocker for Kans

    • October 27, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Vasudev brings Yashoda's daughter with him back to prison while Kans snatches her away. Later, Kans is shocked as he attempts to kill the child.

  • S01E08 Mahadev to Obey Yashoda?

    • October 28, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    To meet Krishna, Mahadev arrives from Kailash and gives him a peacock feather. Later, Yashoda has a strange request for Mahadev.

  • S01E09 Hanuman arrives in Gokul

    • October 29, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    After Mahadev, Hanuman reaches Gokul to meet Krishna. However he accidentally gets stuck under Yashoda's pot.

  • S01E10 Kans Takes Up a Challenge

    • November 1, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Krishna sneaks out of the house at night to meet Shanidev. Elsewhere, Kans challenges Devaki that he will find Krishna, dead or alive.

  • S01E11 Putna Abducts Children

    • November 2, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    People of Gokul start getting worried as Putna starts kidnapping kids from their naming ceremonies. Later, she kills them by breastfeeding them.

  • S01E12 Krishna Gets His Name

    • November 3, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Yashoda convinces Sage Garg to perform her son's naming ceremony and the latter names him, Krishna. Later, Putna selects Krishna as her next target.

  • S01E13 Putana Challenges Balaram

    • November 4, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Putana disguises as a maid and offers to look after Krishna in Yashoda's absence. Later she challenges Balaram when he stops her from attacking Krishna.

  • S01E14 Krishna Warns Putana

    • November 5, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Krishna teaches Putana a lesson and asks her to retreat. However, Putana does not give up and vows to finish Krishna.

  • S01E15 Kans Declares the Celebration

    • November 8, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Kans learns about Putana's plan and arranged a festival to honour her impending victory. Later, Putana gets a powerful poison to finish off Krishna and arrives at Gokul.

  • S01E16 Putana is Dead

    • November 9, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    In an attempt to kill Krishna, Putana breastfeeds him with poisoned milk. However, she dies in the process while Krishna remains unharmed.

  • S01E17 Worrying News for Kans

    • November 10, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    After learning about Putana's death, Kans raises the taxes in retaliation, to flush out Krishna. Meanwhile Krishna anticipates another attack from Kans.

  • S01E18 Krishna Balaram to Part Ways?

    • November 11, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    After Yashoda grows concerned, Rohini takes a firm decision of separating Krishna and Balaram. Elsewhere, Kans is furious at Putana's death.

  • S01E19 Rohini Decides to Return

    • November 12, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    As Rohini and Balaram leave, everyone gets emotional. Later, Mahadev intervenes to change Rohinis decision of leaving Gokul.

  • S01E20 Yashoda Questions the Gokul Dwellers

    • November 15, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    The residents of Gokul want to obey Kans's evil orders to avoid his wrath. However, Yasoda criticises their selfishness and convinces them to alter their decision.

  • S01E21 Shaktasur Arrives at Gokul

    • November 16, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    As everyone celebrates Krishna's first food tasting event, he prepares for a new threat. Later, Shaktasur arrives in Gokul to find Krishna on Kans' orders.

  • S01E22 Krishna Eats Mud

    • November 17, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Balram challenges Krishna to show that he belongs to Gokul. Later, Krishna consumes the dirt, and Yasoda chastises him.

  • S01E23 Universe in Krishna's Mouth

    • November 18, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Yasoda chastises Krishna for swallowing mud. However, Yasoda is taken aback when she sees the entire cosmos in Krishna's mouth instead of dirt.

  • S01E24 Shaktasur Meets Krishna

    • November 19, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Balaram and Krishna help Yashoda by surreptitiously preparing pots during the night. Later, Shaktasur arrives in Gokul and finds Krishna.

  • S01E25 Shaktasur is Taken to Kans

    • November 22, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Kan's forces a raid during Gokulostav in order to apprehend Krishna. However, they misidentify Shaktasur as their intended victim and transport him to Kans.

  • S01E26 Shaktasur in Gwala Disguise

    • November 23, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Shaktasur returns to Gokul disguised as a Gwala and persuades Nand to restart the Gokulotsav. Later, Krishna informs Balrama of Shaktasur's curse.

  • S01E27 Shaktasur Gets Impatient

    • November 24, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Gokolustav is a successful festival but Shaktasur fails to capture Krishna. Later, Shaktasur becomes frustrated and changes into a bullock cart.

  • S01E28 Krishna Defeats Shaktasur

    • November 25, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Shaktasur's efforts to overcome Krishna are foiled as Krishna outplays the former. Later, Yasoda becomes overtly protective of Krishna.

  • S01E29 Krishna Provokes Kans

    • November 26, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    As Krishna Defeats Shaktasur, Kans' resentment towards him grows. Later, Kans' patience is tested as Krishna fools around with him.

  • S01E30 Krishna Meets Rishi Sandipani

    • November 29, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Rishi Garg and Rishi Sandipani are thrilled to see Krishna finally. Later, Rishi Garg requests that Rishi Sandipani accept Krishna and Balaram as students.

  • S01E31 Krishna Meets his Accomplices

    • November 30, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Kans sends spies to track down Krishna, but the latter misleads them. Further, Krishna meets with his future allies.

  • S01E32 Balram, Vrinda at Loggerheads

    • December 1, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Krishna and Balram meet Vrinda, Subal, and Sudama for the first time. However, Balram and Vrinda dislike one other, resulting in a fist fight.

  • S01E33 Kans Learns About Krishna

    • December 2, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Kans discovers Krishna's whereabouts and resolves to pursue him on his own. Meanwhile, Krishna tells Balaram to prepare for Gokul's imminent destruction.

  • S01E34 Trinavat Creates a Ruckus

    • December 3, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    As tensions between Balram and Vrinda escalate, Trinavat makes an entry, with an intention to abduct Krishna. When they come face to face, Krishna teaches him a lesson. less

  • S01E35 Kans to Attack Gokul

    • December 6, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Krishna beats Trinavarta, protecting Gokul from yet another calamity. Meanwhile, Kans becomes enraged and departs from Mathura to attack Krishna.

  • S01E36 Gauri Warns Kans

    • December 7, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Gauri encounters Kans in the presence of Poornmasi and tries to warn him. However, he refuses to listen to her and decides to kill her.

  • S01E37 Krishna Mocks Kans

    • December 8, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Gauri becomes enraged and decides to murder Kans, but Krishna intervenes. Later, Krishna and his friends make fun of Kans for trying to scare them.

  • S01E38 Kans is Infuriated

    • December 9, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Kans becomes enraged as Krishna defeats him. Later, Krishna and the other children decide to steal dairy products as their elders forbid them from having any. less

  • S01E39 Krishna Saves the Day!

    • December 10, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Krishna and his friends plan to steal dairy products to stop their supply to Kans. Later, Krishna saves his friends from being caught in the act.

  • S01E40 Kans' Soldiers Reach Gokul

    • December 13, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    The soldiers of Kan's army storm into Gokul and threaten the people to pay taxes instantly. Meanwhile, Krishna starts his plan to steal dairy products from a storage facility.

  • S01E41 Krishna Enjoys Butter

    • December 14, 2021
    • JioHotstar

    Krishna discovers the butter and begins to relish it with his friends. Later, they hide all dairy products from Kans' soldiers.