Dado našiel v Hodoníne svojho otca. Iveta prehrá v mariáši s primátorom Prahy, za čo by on ako víťaz chcel od nej odmenu. Števo robí babysitting a opatruje malého Meca, čím však vlastne ohrozuje jeho život. Rodičia detí už viac nechcú Števa vidieť v škôlke. Odchádza preto s otcom do Prahy prevziať erotický salón Červená makrela. Diana nechce, aby sa Iveta vrátila do Trebišova, a želá jej veľa šťastia v Prahe.
Dado found his father in Hodonín. Iveta loses in a match with the mayor of Prague, for which he, as the winner, would like a reward from her. Števo babysits and takes care of little Meco, but in doing so he actually endangers his life. The children's parents no longer want to see Števo in kindergarten. Therefore, he leaves with his father to Prague to take over the erotic salon Red Mackerel. Diana doesn't want Iveta to return to Trebišov, and wishes her good luck in Prague.