Dado napriek zákazu od Ivety opustí pražské ubytovanie a mieri do erotického salónu Červená makrela. Iveta si našla na benzínovej pumpe parťákov na kartovú hru, pričom sa jej podarilo vyhrať slušnú sumu. Odkedy prišiel do Trebišova Ľubo, nič sa mestu nedarí. Klesla morálka, ešte aj robotník havaroval na bagre, čím sa predlžuje oprava zničeného kostola. Farár udržuje vzťah s Dianou. Obaja sú presvedčení, že Ľubo priniesol do mesta zlé sily, a preto musí odísť.
Despite the ban from Iveta, Dado leaves the Prague accommodation and heads to the erotic salon Red Mackerel. Iveta found partners at the gas station for a card game, while she managed to win a decent amount. Ever since Ľubo came to Trebišov, nothing has been going well for the city. Morale dropped, even a worker crashed the excavator, which prolongs the repair of the destroyed church. The priest maintains a relationship with Diana. Both are convinced that Ľubo has brought evil forces to the city, and that is why he must leave.