Jayden意外發現了PayPayEgg非法收集個人資料的事實,掙扎後決定把事情告知Kenneth,亦成為阿信等人反擊阿Lou的契機。 PayPayEgg迎來了巨大的信任危機,Marcus憑著出色的表現,漸漸開始取代阿Lou。阿信希望借助強化PayPayDuck的保安信譽來贏得市佔率,但建議卻被團隊質疑……
Lou joins hands with Shirley to expand his grasp beyond the wedding market. However, he loses his place in the company as it gets into a privacy leakage scandal. Meanwhile, Nim Shun tries to use this opportunity to defeat his nemesis, but the attempt is rendered unsuccessful by the hard truths of reality.