Cathy Ho加入Moby後,正式向PayPayDuck提出收購,反感Moby作風的阿信等人斷然拒絕,然而Tony因為被萬鈞(朱柏謙 飾)賞識,竟然決定加入Moby工作,更力勸阿信接受Moby的提案,兩人幾近決裂,Tony與蒙玲回顧自己的心路歷程,揭開星之子的過去。同時,深怕阿信加入會影響自己地位的阿Lou,亦有所行動……
Moby offers to invest in PayPayDuck, but the condition seems a little harsh for Nim Shun and the team. PayPayDuck hits yet another obstacle when one of its teammates leaves and joins the rival. As PayPayDuck struggles to pay off its debt and deal with a lawsuit, someone they least expect comes to their rescue.