Billy與Billie辭職並恰巧一同進入了麻省理工畢業生Marcus(邱士縉 飾)的Wow公司,經一輪輾轉,二人還是決定重回阿信身邊。眾人發現蒙玲的Code寫得一塌糊塗,嚴刑迫供下,竟發現蒙玲鮮為人知的過去!幾經波折,終於齊人參加數據港舉辦的《初創有明天》大賽,但首要任務要為公司改個好名!
Nim Shun's journey to entrepreneurship is back to square one when both Billy and Billie quit. Mung Ling tries to help, but it raises suspicions when Billy and Billie stumble upon her work. Meanwhile, Kenneth brings glad tidings to Nim Shun about a start-up contest with a lucrative prize, but Nim Shun encounters yet another problem when his company doesn't have a name, which is a prerequisite to sign up for the contest.