創業一事不被信爸(羅永昌 飾)看好,蒙玲工作表現又出現問題,阿信被Kenneth啟發,決定請人!而這邊廂Tony有樣學樣,請了負能量極致的Never(陳瑞輝 飾)。經一輪面試後,阿信沒信心請到女權Progremmer Billie(余逸思 飾),只好邀請網友“西毒”Billy(陳湛文 飾)出山,誰料兩邊竟同時答應Offer,關係勢成水火,阿信在共融議題上頭都大了。
Nim Shun plans to create an electronic wedding gift app, and Mung Ling, a programmer he meets at Born Hub, agrees to start the business with him. When he realizes that Mung Ling is not the programmer she claims to be, he starts conducting interviews to hire potential programmers who can help him. Meanwhile, Kenneth tricks Nim Shun into signing an inclusion program without his knowledge.