A suspect makes a chilling confession about a string of gruesome crimes, while a deadly mistake by a politician comes to light.
A murderer refuses to cooperate - no matter how many questions he faces - while a no nonsense detective gets the answers he’s looking for.
A farmer shares a terrible secret about two missing people - and her pigs, while a confrontation over a parking space turns deadly.
A man tells police he was pushed to the brink before murdering his wife, while an A-list actor is questioned in a deadly on-set death.
A teen gives the chilling reason for why she killed her 9-year-old neighbor, while a man turns himself in after committing a deadly mistake.
Detectives interrogate a woman accused of killing a lottery winner for his $30,000,000 prize, while special agents press an ex-con about a missing 5-year-old girl and her dead babysitter.
A 92-year-old woman tells investigators why she shot and killed her 72-year-old son, while a detective tells a suspect that the man he's accused of stabbing has died at the hospital.
Investigators interrogate a prison inmate about an unsolved serial killer case from the 90s, while a former police sergeant is questioned about the murder of his mistress.
A shooting suspect begins cutting himself with a pocket knife after investigators leave him alone in the interrogation room, while a woman breaks down after telling police that she drowned her grandmother.
A man breaks down sobbing after admitting to stabbing his mom, while an actress tells detectives how and why she shot her estranged uncle.