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Stay Inspired: Kindling the Native Spirit with Denise Linn

When it comes to healing, Denise Linn often looks to the past. From ancient traditions around the world she looks to acquire and perpetuate the valuable knowledge that must be passed down before it is lost. At the same time, there are ancestral patterns that hold us back and need to be released. In this heartfelt interview, originally webcast on April 13, 2016, Denise Linn describes how trauma can affect a person’s genes, and how these changes in genetics can be passed down through generations.Founder of the International Institute of Soul Coaching, Denise Linn is a healer, teacher and author known for drawing on wisdom from indigenous cultures around the planet, including the aborigines of Australia, the Zulu in Africa, the Maori of New Zealand and her own Native American roots.

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  • Created April 21, 2020 by
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  • Modified April 21, 2020 by
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