Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / Aired Order / Season 8 / Episode 6
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Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 229

Stay Inspired: Mind, Body and Biology with Joan Borysenko

Taking her expertise in the mind/body connection several steps further, Joan Borysenko explains the new research in interpersonal neurobiology, where, for example, our minds also affect those around us, and in epigenetics, where events in our lives – and even in our ancestor’s lives – can cause changes in our genetic make-up. In this enlightening interview, originally webcast on April 6, 2016, Joan also discusses the results of her scientific investigation into a healthy diet, in which she discovered that humans’ dietary needs vary enough that no one diet works for everyone. However, she also discovered the importance of a plant-based diet to feed the microbes in our body, which science now understands outnumber our own cells.Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., is a distinguished pioneer in integrative medicine and a world-renowned expert in the mind/body connection. She is a Harvard-trained medical scientist, licensed psychologist and New York Times best-selling author, with more than a dozen books to her credit. Her work has been foundational in an international healthcare revolution that recognizes the role of meaning and the spiritual dimensions of life as an integral part of health and healing.

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