The match opposing Shinsei Inazuma Japan to Mach Tiger continues. Kuroiwa Ryuusei tells Manabe Jinichirou and Minaho Kazuto to find the "key to victory". However, their calculations don't seem to work, and Tamugan Jar is able to score a second goal for Thailand's team, Ibuki Munemasa being unable to stop Ivory Crash. Manabe is disturbed by his parents' arrival in the stadium and can't find a way to stop Mach Tiger's players from attacking, but Minaho gives him advice to do so. He also tells Manabe about his childhood and his deceased father. They both use hissatsus, Defense Houteishiki belonging to Manabe and Trace Press belonging to Minaho, and allow Shinsei Inazuma Japan to make a counter-attack. Tsurugi Kyousuke ties the score by using Bicycle Sword, and then Matsukaze Tenma scores the third and final goal with God Wind. The match ends 3-2, Shinsei Inazuma Japan wins and advances to the final. After his team's defeat, Napa Radamu's eyes suddenly become blue without further explanation. In the terraces, Hakuryuu is seen again, smiling...
La seconde mi-temps du match entre Inazuma National et les Tigres de Thaïlande débute. Inazuma National attaque, mais les Tigres interceptent le ballon et attaquent de façon intensive. Keenan et Zippy n'arrivent pas à prévoir les mouvements adverses, et les Tigres marquent un but. Malgré l'initiative d'Arion de faire de courtes passes, les Tigres continuent d'attaquer. Après que Victor s’est un peu blessé et que Keenan et Zippy se sont embrouillés à propos de leurs parents, ils finissent tous deux par unir leurs forces et arrêtent les Tigres. Victor marque un but, et grâce aux bonnes prédictions de Keenan et Zippy, Arion marque le troisième but, donnant ainsi la victoire à Inazuma National, qui se qualifie pour la finale des éliminatoires.