April calls Paul, asking to come to his office immediately. She was on her way to school to turn in a project — the architectural model for a World Trade Center memorial — and has been having trouble sleeping. "Between my anxiety and my lymphoma," she says, "it's just never a good time." She describes her exhaustion as the feeling of poison in her veins, like she wants to slit her wrists to get it out.
April tulee istunnolle aamuvarhain koko yön valvoneena ja rättiväsyneenä. Hän kertoo Paulille lapsuudestaan ja erityisesti suhteestaan äitiinsä.
En route pour rendre un projet d'architecture, April appelle Paul et demande à le voir tout de suite. Il la reçoit.
April viene a patti con le cause dei suoi problemi di indipendenza e capisce che possono dipendere da qualcosa accaduta quando era più giovane.
En una nueva sesión de terapia con el doctor Weston, los recuerdos de una brutal experiencia que estuvo a punto de convertirse en tragea, subrayan los problemas de independencia actuales de la joven.