Tenn pays a sudden visit to the IDOLiSH7 dorms. Riku is simultaneously perplexed and delighted, but Tenn has harsh words for him. Later, Yuki, Momo, and Ryunosuke arrive. With members of IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, and Re:vale at the dorms, the situation gets out of control...?!
Tudo parece tranquilo com o IDOLiSH7 em mais uma noite no dormitório, mas a paz começa a se desmanchar com a chegada de várias visitas.
IDOLiSH7 erhält plötzlich Besuch von TRIGGER und Re:vale. Nach all der Zeit hat Riku endlich die Gelegenheit, in Ruhe mit seinem Bruder Tenn zu sprechen. Doch was der ihm zu sagen hat, kann Riku nicht akzeptieren.