IDOLiSH7's malicious gossip articles are now appearing in magazines and online, and a disturbing atmosphere begins to drift among members who tend to be busy and threaded. At that time, Raku, who visited Spinning about the quarrel between President Kotori Yu and President Yaotome, was shocked to find out why IDOLiSH7 was able to sing TRIGGER's song perfectly in "Soundship" in the conversation. To do. Meanwhile, the director, who had promised to help Tamaki in his search for his family, announced that he could meet again on the show.
Des ragots sont diffusés dans la presse concernant les membres du groupe IDOLiSH7. Il va falloir garder son sang-froid pour ne pas déraper en public.
Die Jungs von IDOLiSH7 sind so beschäftigt, dass sie kaum noch als Gruppe zusammen sind. Ihr Verhältnis wird zusätzlich durch eine Reihe von Artikeln belastet, die Lügen, Halbwahrheiten und private Details verbreiten, bis die Situation gänzlich eskaliert.
Vários artigos maliciosos começam a aparecer sobre o IDOLiSH7 em revistas. Incertos do que está acontecendo, os membros acabam se virando um contra o outro. No meio dessa tensão, Tamaki é convidado para participar de um especial de TV onde ele terá uma emocionante reunião familiar, mas...