Som dommer i X Factor tænker Thomas Blachman for det meste i de højere luftlag, hvor vi andre nogle gange kan have svært ved at følge med. Nu tager vi ham derop, hvor han kan se sit liv fra oven. Denne gang er det Thomas, som skal følge med Jan, når hypnotisøren tryllebinder musikeren og kaster lys over det, som betyder noget for ham. Samtidig dykker Josefine Høgh ned i en side af Thomas, vi sjældent ser - familiefaren, som halvdelen af året er hjemmegående for at passe på sin flok af fire børn. Der bliver spillet på alle tangenter i dette program for at give trommeslageren og komponisten et fornyet blik på sig selv som andet end bare benhård bag dommerbordet.
As a judge in X Factor, Thomas Blachman mostly thinks in the higher layers of the air, where the rest of us can sometimes find it difficult to follow. Now we take him up there, where he can see his life from above. This time it is Thomas who must accompany Jan when the hypnotist casts a spell on the musician and sheds light on what is important to him. At the same time, Josefine Høgh delves into a side of Thomas that we rarely see - the family man, who stays at home for half the year to look after his group of four children. All keys are played in this program to give the drummer and composer a renewed look at himself as something other than just hard-nosed behind the judge's table.