Jon Gabriel is a weight loss and visualization expert and the author and creator of The Gabriel Method, a best seller in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Spain. Jon is a regular guest on international radio and television programs; he speaks to sold-out seminar audiences and is a regular keynote speaker at health and wellness events globally. Jon's remarkable transformation saw him lose 226 pounds in two and a half years; his weight dropped from 409 pounds to 183 pounds. Amazingly, he achieved this weight loss without resorting to diets or surgery.
Daniel Vitalis is a nature-based philosopher and a leading health, nutrition and personal development strategist. He teaches that our invincible health is a product of living in alignment with our biological design and our role in the ecosystem. Daniel is the creator of, a global resource aimed at helping the public find uncontaminated and fresh, wild water. He is also a founding member of, an online supplier of biologically active and completely natural nutritional medicines for regeneration, immunity and healthy endocrine function.
Alejandro Junger, M.D., is the New York Times bestselling author of Clean. Born in Uruguay, where he graduated from medical school in 1990, Alejandro moved to New York City to complete his postgraduate training in internal medicine at New York University Downtown Hospital. The drastic change in lifestyle and diet from his move to New York City soon manifested in a 20-pound weight gain, irritable bowel syndrome and depression. His first hand experience of being a patient of the system he was practicing was such a shock, that it started a journey to search for an alternative solution to his personal health issues.
Kris Carr is a New York Times best selling author, speaker, health advocate and wellness coach. Her diagnosis of a rare stage four cancer in 2003, for which there is no treatment or cure, inspired Kris to learn everything she could about proper nutrition and self-care and in the process, she stabilized her cancer. She is the director and the subject of the documentary, Crazy Sexy Cancer and the author of the revolutionary Crazy Sexy Cancer book series. Kris lectures regularly at medical schools, hospitals, wellness centers, corporations and universities throughout the United States.
Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician board certified in family medicine, has personally treated thousands of patients for over 20 years. He is the author of two New York Times best sellers, The Great Bird Flu Hoax and The No-Grain Diet. He was voted the 2009 Ultimate Wellness Game Changer by the Huffington Post in 2009, an honor that celebrates "100 innovators, visionaries, and leaders in 10 categories who are harnessing the power of new media to reshape their fields and change the world.
Jason Vale is a leading authority on health, nutrition, addiction, and juicing. His numerous books and CDs, such as 7lbs In 7 Days Super Juice Diet, Turbo Charge Your Life in 14 Days, and Slim for Life, have sold more than 2 million copies around the world and have been translated or subtitled into 7 languages.
Mike Adams, known as the Health Ranger, is an author, journalist, documentarian and philanthropist. He is the founder of, an independent education and news resource covering personal and planetary health and wellness topics that empower individuals to make positive changes in their own health. Mike is also a holistic nutritionist, raw foods enthusiast and organic gardener and is a regular speaker at health summits and conferences.
Joe Cross, focused most of his energy in his 30's on building a business empire and his wealth, Joe admits that his health had never been a priority. In his early thirties he developed a rare auto-immune disease for which he was prescribed a powerful prescription medication. After taking pills for several years and dissatisfied with the knowledge that he would likely be taking them for life, Joe decided to examine what he was eating and explore the link between his illness and his diet. Australian-born entrepreneur who most recently founded Reboot Media, a health and lifestyle brand that creates educational media. He is also the Co-Director, Executive Producer, host and subject of Reboot Media's first film, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead.
With a Masters degree in nutrition and a background in science and mechanical engineering, David Wolfe is considered one of the world's top authorities in natural health, beauty nutrition, herbalism, raw chocolate, and organic superfoods. He is the author of numerous best-selling books and creator of The Longevity Now Program, empowering and inspiring people to take charge of their own health. He is a sought after health and personal success speaker, and has given over 2000 live lecture events in the past 16 years.
A diagnosis of ovarian cancer in 2000 was what Evita described as a ‘wake up call’ and which she decided to see as an opportunity to make changes in her life. What began as a three day juice cleanse to detoxify herself of sugar, caffeine and chemicals, resulted in Evita becoming cancer free, 83 pounds lighter and physically and spiritually transformed without surgery, drugs or radiation, four months later. She is a certified Access Bars Facilitator, training practitioners and offering individual sessions. She hosts her ‘Rawesome Lifestyle’ retreats in Maui, Hawaii where she guides guests through a mind-body-spirit cleanse and creates a space for healing and a transition to a raw vegan lifestyle.
Christiane Northrup, M.D., is the world’s leading authority in women’s health and wellness. She is a board-certified obstetrician and gynaecologist, sought-after speaker, writer, and author of two New York Times best sellers "Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom" and The "Wisdom of Menopause". She has sold over 3 million books in 20 languages. Internationally regarded for her empowering approach to women’s health and wellness, Dr. Northrup teaches women how to create health on all levels while simultaneously tuning in to their inner wisdom and acknowledging the connection between our thoughts, beliefs, physical health and life circumstances.
Frank Ferrante, an Italian-American from working-class Brooklyn living in San Francisco, was 54 years old when he stumbled into Café Gratitude, a raw, vegan and organic café, for the first time in 2008.. Little did he know that stepping into this restaurant would ultimately change his life. Frank became the subject of the 2008 documentary, May I be Frank, which documents the powerful transformation of his life in 42 days. Using raw vegan food, affirmations, spiritual practice, holistic practitioners and unconditional love, Frank experienced a dramatic transformation in his health.
HUNGRY FOR CHANGE exposes shocking secrets the diet, weight loss and food industries don't want you to know about deceptive strategies designed to keep you coming back for more. Find out what's keeping you from having the body and health you deserve.
Hungry For Change the Book features the remarkable transformational stories of those that know what its like to be overweight and sick and have been able to turned their life around. Find out what they did and let them show you how you can regain total freedom around food so you never have to battle mentally or physically with what you eat again.