Geoff and Mike get the idea to build a miniature version of the Ripsaw, H&H's ultra-fast military tank. They call their newest invention "Mini-Rip" and market it to the general public as a recreational vehicle. The twins hope to finish Mini-Rip just in time to debut at the annual Grass Drags, a large motor-sports event in New Hampshire. Meanwhile, H&H gets an order for three more SR-1 Subterranean Rovers and Geoff has to go down to Ft. Hood, Texas to show off the Ripsaw's amazing abilities in hopes of getting more contracts with the Army. Managing several large projects at once puts a strain on the brothers' relationship and jeopardizes the completion of their latest and greatest machine.
Geoff and Mike get the idea to build a miniature version of the Ripsaw, H&H's ultra-fast military tank. They call their newest invention "Mini-Rip" and market it to the general public as a recreational vehicle. The twins hope to finish Mini-Rip just in time to debut at the annual Grass Drags, a large motor-sports event in New Hampshire. Meanwhile, H&H gets an order for three more SR-1 Subterranean Rovers and Geoff has to go down to Ft. Hood, Texas to show off the Ripsaw's amazing abilities in hopes of getting more contracts with the Army. Managing several large projects at once puts a strain on the brothers' relationship and jeopardizes the completion of their latest and greatest machine.
傑夫和邁克突發奇想,著手打造迷你版的粗齒鋸戰車,這將會是一款超高速的軍用坦克。他們把這個最新發明取名為”迷你粗齒鋸”,並將它定位成供一般大眾使用的休閒車輛。兩兄弟希望能及時完成迷你粗齒鋸,好趕上新罕布廈一年一度的大型賽車運動盛會” 草地加速賽”。另一方面,打造團隊接到客戶加訂三輛 SR-1 盾地路華越野車,傑夫必須南下德州展示粗齒鋸的優越性能,期望能爭取到更多的軍方採購合約。同時要應付這麼多大案子讓兄弟倆的關係緊繃,甚至威脅到他們最新機器能否順利完工。