Taro and Reiko’s relationship seems to be moving forward steadily, but he’s having a tough time with her cooking. But he’ll have something even tougher to deal with in the form of Marie, a woman who works with Reiko and who may have had some past with Taro. When Reiko tries to question Taro about Marie and Taro evades, Reiko decides her cooking could use some work after all.
太郎(オダギリ ジョー)は、礼子(尾野真千子)から昼食の弁当をもらい、次は自分が作ると約束する。翌日、礼子の職場を訪れた太郎は顔見知りの麻理恵(成海璃子)に出くわす。麻理恵と後ろめたい過去を持つ太郎は、礼子に二人の仲を聞かれはぐらかす。その後、太郎は麻理恵のことを三枝(勝地涼)らに相談する。