It is all started in a theme park, a fireknife performance in Hong Kong. There, few years ago, a group of performers roamed the stage, dancing, breathing fire, and playing music. One of the performers is Margaret Ho, she is very enthusiastic in dancing since early teenager.
While Margaret enjoys the spotlight, her husband Chris worked behind the stage as costume staff. Chris was intrigued by the fireknife performance in the theme park – who later became the founder of the Hong Kong Circus.
Margaret enjoys dancing in the stage, albeit body pain and cultural restraint restricts her to excel further. She decided to leave the theme park and joined her husband in the circus.
梁振瀛 (Chris) 不愛讀書,會考零分,20歲出頭,在主題樂園的服裝部工作,趁著工餘時間,去請教劇場的薩摩亞火刀舞者,秘密練成火刀舞絕技,但一直未有機會演出。
何曉嵐 (Margaret) 演藝畢業,熱愛跳舞,因身材樣貌輸蝕,長居配角。兩公婆覺得在主題樂園,不能夠一展所長,於是決定離開主題樂園,出去闖一闖,成立了香港唯一的馬戲團。
Margaret 希望藉此製造更多的表演機會,但因為多了行政工作,雜務纏身,舞台離Margret愈來愈遠,反而一無所求的Chris,因著火刀舞的吸引力,無心插柳成了主角。