All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Introduction

    What makes ancient Rome so important and fascinating? This lecture describes the thematic, chronological, and geographical parameters of our foray into this engaging, complex, and challenging topic. How does the history of ancient times and peoples differ from "typical" historical study?

  • S01E02 The Sources

    How ought we to assess the sorts of evidence available from the ancient world? What are the strengths—and limitations—of such evidence?

  • S01E03 Pre-Roman Italy and the Etruscans

    In pre-Roman times, the Italian peninsula was inhabited mainly by tribal peoples. The two major exceptions were the Greek colonizers in southern Italy and Sicily, and the Etruscans just north of Rome. Etruscan civilization is thought to be mysterious, but really it's not. Find out why.

  • S01E04 The Foundation of Rome

    Two stories of Rome's founding, of Romulus and Remus, and of Aeneas, are discussed. What does the archaeological evidence say?

  • S01E05 The Kings of Rome

    According to tradition, Rome's early rulers from Romulus to Tarquinius Superbus were kings. How were the slender sources concerning the deeds of these kings later used to explain Rome's early formation? Did the Etruscans "dominate" Rome under the last three kings?

  • S01E06 Regal Society

    What was early Roman society like? Moreover, what were the contours of government and politics on the eve of the Republic's foundation?

  • S01E07 The Foundation of the Republic

    With the expulsion of the kings in 509 B.C., Rome became a republic. What do modern scholars think about the traditional tale of the Republic's founding?

  • S01E08 The Struggle of the Orders

    This sociopolitical conflict dominated Rome's domestic political life from 494 to 287 B.C. What was at stake in this contest? How did its resolution reshape the Roman Republic?

  • S01E09 Roman Expansion in Italy

    The Roman conquest of Italy was a long and arduous business. We chart the outline of this expansion in three phases that were not without reverses for the Romans. We examine the ramifications of expansion for Roman politics and society.

  • S01E10 The Roman Confederation in Italy

    Did the Romans administer their conquests in Italy? The complex, hierarchical system that they devised goes a long way toward explaining the longevity of the Roman Empire.

  • S01E11 The International Scene on the Eve of Roman Expansion

    What was the geopolitical situation as Rome began building its overseas empire in 264 B.C.? How did the land-based Romans emerge from Italy to defeat formidable maritime rivals?

  • S01E12 Carthage and the First Punic War

    Conflict with sea-going Carthage marked the beginning of Rome's rise to world power. We begin our survey of the first phase of that rise by describing the Carthaginian state. We discuss the course of the First Punic War and the ramifications of Rome's victory for both protagonists.

  • S01E13 The Second Punic (or Hannibalic) War

    We examine the causes, course, and consequences of one of European history's most famous conflicts: the Second Punic, or Hannibalic, War of 218 to 202 B.C. What made this a life-and-death struggle for both belligerents?

  • S01E14 Rome in the Eastern Mediterranean

    Despite having to contend against culturally advanced and formidable rivals with superior resources, Rome became the most powerful state in the entire Mediterranean basin in just the half-century following the Second Punic War.

  • S01E15 Explaining the Rise of the Roman Empire

    The works of Polybius are the oldest historical writings about ancient Rome. Follow in his footsteps by analyzing how the Romans built the biggest and best fighting machine in the ancient world, and by pondering why the Roman march of conquest took place at all.

  • S01E16 The Captured Conqueror - Rome and Hellenism

    "Captured Greece," said Horace, "has captured her savage conqueror." How did the rapid Hellenization of the 3rd and 2nd centuries B.C. affect the Romans? What were its long-term effects on both Roman and European history?

  • S01E17 Governing the Roman Republic I - Senate and Magistrates

    The Roman Republic has been much studied and imitated. What were the key elements and practices of this famous system of government? How did it reflect the dual nature of the Romans, a people at once highly traditional and yet open to innovation?

  • S01E18 Governing the Roman Republic II - Popular Assemblies and Provincial Administration

    Although nominally democratic, the Roman Republic was in fact an oligarchy controlled by a handful of influential families. What accounts for this? How were the popular assemblies constituted and operated? How did the Republic handle the administration of Rome's vast empire?

  • S01E19 The Pressures of Empire

    What pressures did the rapid expansion and great extent of the Empire place on the Republic? How, for instance, did imperial issues contribute to the looming Roman Revolution?

  • S01E20 The Gracchi Brothers

    The Roman Revolution was unplanned but had a definite starting point: the tribunates of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. The revolution's end left Rome a monarchy once again, but one shrouded in republican vestments. The story of these dramatic and often horrifying events occupies this and the next 12 lectures.

  • S01E21 Marius and Sulla

    Not long after the demise of the Gracchi, C. Marius, an unknown "new man" in the Senate, would rise to power. The animosity between Marius and his rival Sulla would quicken the pace of the revolution.

  • S01E22 The Royal Rule of Sulla

    Sulla acquired power by violence and then revived the long-dormant office of dictator. What were the contents and motives of Sulla's dictatorial legislation? What does his career mean in the broader context of the revolution? Why was he doomed to fail?

  • S01E23 Sulla's Settlement Undone

    The years following Sulla's death and the drama of the Republic's collapse saw the emergence of new players: Pompey and Crassus. Using disturbances at home and abroad to advance themselves, these men terminated the remaining threads of the Sullan "Restoration."

  • S01E24 Pompey and Crassus

    As Pompey became a popular hero, a jealous and fearful Crassus began to aid the rise of a little-known noble youth named Julius Caesar. Catiline's desperate coup attempt (63 B.C.) shows how the Republican order was unraveling.

  • S01E25 The First Triumvirate

    This coalition of Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar effectively ended the Republic. Now the three most powerful and ruthless protagonists were playing on the same side, with the Senate and tradition on the other.

  • S01E26 Pompey and Caesar

    After the death of Crassus in 53 B.C., his two imposing colleagues began their fateful rivalry. It would intensify over the next 10 years until full-scale civil war broke out in 49 B.C.

  • S01E27 The Domination of Caesar

  • S01E28 Social and Cultural Life in the Late Republic

  • S01E29 Antony and Octavian

  • S01E30 The Second Triumvirate

  • S01E31 Octavian Emerges Supreme

  • S01E32 The New Order of Augustus

  • S01E33 The Imperial Succession

  • S01E34 The Julio-Claudian Dynasty

  • S01E35 The Emperor in the Roman World

  • S01E36 Crisis in the Third Century

  • S01E37 The Shape of Roman Society

  • S01E38 Roman Slavery

  • S01E39 The Roman Family

  • S01E40 Women in Roman Society

  • S01E41 An Empire of Cities

  • S01E42 Public Entertainment I - Public Baths and Chariot Racing

  • S01E43 Public Entertainment II - Gladiatorial Games

  • S01E44 Roman Paganism

  • S01E45 The Rise of Christianity

  • S01E46 The Restoration of Order

  • S01E47 The Late Empire

  • S01E48 Thoughts on the Fall of the Roman Empire