Årene 1900-1959 Danmark er i 1920'erne et industrialiseret land med fabrikker og biler på gaderne. I Grønland er der hverken elektricitet eller rindende vand. Kun ganske få har en uddannelse - og landet er totalt lukket af for resten af verden. I Danmark mener politikerne, at udviklingen i Grønland ikke må gå for stærkt. Men en lille gruppe veluddannede grønlændere vil ikke vente længere. De vil have ligestilling og udvikling.
The years 1900-1959 In the 1920s, Denmark was an industrialized country with factories and cars on the streets. In Greenland, there is neither electricity nor running water. Only quite a few have an education - and the country is totally closed off to the rest of the world. In Denmark, politicians believe that development in Greenland must not go too fast. But a small group of well-educated Greenlanders will not wait any longer. They want equality and development.