Father Bernard has a secret he thought he'd buried 50 years ago at the bottom of the Seine. When Ernest Daimler, the Nazi Major who Bernard killed as a young boy and threw in the river, appears at his church looking not a day older than the day he died, Father Bernard realizes he's like MacLeod. As a child, Bernard watched MacLeod die and revive during a mission for the French Resistance and MacLeod swore him to secrecy. Bernard goes to MacLeod for help. Meanwhile, Anne tells MacLeod that she is pregnant -- by an old friend she sought for comfort after MacLeod's ""death."" MacLeod tries to adjust to the concept of being a father. When Daimler kills Father Bernard and comes after Anne, MacLeod kills Daimler and Anne witnesses what being part of MacLeod's life really means. Unable to deal with the part of herself that wanted to see Daimler die, Anne leaves MacLeod.
Name | Type | Role | |
Lawrence Shore | Writer | ||
Georges Janin | Guest Star | ||
Laurent Deutsch | Guest Star | ||
Pierre Rousselle | Guest Star | ||
Lyès Salem | Guest Star | ||
Andrew Woodall | Guest Star | ||
Roger Bret | Guest Star | ||
Claude Berthy | Guest Star | ||
Thierry Gary | Guest Star | ||
Jean Claude Deret | Guest Star | ||
Mario Azzopardi | Director |