Yamada Leon, is constantly bullying Oi-chan. So Oi-chan sought a contract with Ai but he changed his mind after learning about the consequences. Leon falls in love with a high school girl named Miyahara Izumi. He plans to confess his love for her and leave the gang he is in. However, Leon's gang leader refuses to let him leave the gang. After Leon overhears Oi-chan talking about the Hell Girl, he made Oi-chan show him the Hotline to Hell. Leon's gang leader tries to kidnap Izumi to stop Leon from confessing to her. However, as he kidnaps Izumi, Leon sends him to hell. After continuing to bully Oi-chan, Leon steals his wallet and plans to finally confess to Izumi once again. While he's speeding down the street, he crashes and goes almost immediately to Hell.
Yamada Leon es parte de una pandilla y su punto es un chico simplemente conocido como Oi-chan. Oi-chan decide mandar a Leon al infierno, pero al saber que el tambien ira cuando muera, se rehusa. Leon se enamora de una chica llamada Miyahara Izumi y para hacerlo decide dejar la pandilla. Sin embargo el lider no lo deja salir. Leon oye decir a Oi-chan sobre el correo infernal y decide mandar al lider al infierno. Para evitar que se salga de la pandilla, el lider rapta a Izumi pero Leon lo manda al infierno. Al final Leon le roba a Oi-chan su billetera e intenta confesarle su amor a Izumi una vez mas, pero es atropellado y va a parar directo al infierno. Una vela con el nombre de Yamada Leon se enciende y luego se apaga completamente.