Tomoki und seine Freunde unternehmen Ausflüge in Tomokis Träume.
Tomoki has another dream where the mysterious angel warns him of another Angeloid and after revealing the information to his friends, Nymph suggests they visit his dream via Dive Game which enables them to visit humans' dreams. The group, consisting of Tomoki, Sugata, Mikako and Suhara, leave into the dream to find themselves confronted with each other's dreams and an embarrassing revelation for Suhara. Ultimately, they are unable to visit Tomoki's dream and instead land on a bizarre world with a pillar with illegible words and hibernating evergreen trees. They return with more questions than answers and Sugata finally remembers a forgotten memory a year past when Ikaros first fell onto the Earth and winesses Astraea's arrival.
Tomoki tiene otro sueño en el que el misterioso ángel le advierte sobre otro Angeloid y, después de revelar la información a sus amigos, Nymph sugiere que visiten su sueño a través de Dive Game, que les permite visitar los sueños de los humanos. El grupo, formado por Tomoki, Sugata, Mikako y Suhara, se embarca en el sueño para encontrarse confrontados con los sueños del otro y una vergonzosa revelación para Suhara.
Томоки видит еще один сон, в котором таинственный ангел предупреждает его о другом ангелоиде, и после раскрытия информации его друзьям, Нимфа предлагает им посетить его мечту через Dive Game, которая позволяет им посетить сны людей.