도시락특공대가 직접 목도한 바깥상황을 말해줘도 사람들은 수긍이 가지 않는다. 서로를 믿지 못하고 저마다 속내를 숨기면서 의심과 불신이 조금씩 쌓여간다. 결국 트레이너 승범의 처리 문제로 위태하게 봉합되어 있던 갈등이 터지고 마는데…
After they return from their mission of obtaining food, the people inside won't believe anything they say about what they saw. Everyone starts to doubt each other, and distrust builds up among them as they hide their true feelings. Meanwhile, the personal trainer locked up in the fitness center turns into a monster, putting fear in the people of the building.
Joo-hyung visita el gimnasio y tiene un plan para vengarse de la pareja del departamento 501. Mientras tanto, una persona entra al edificio, y otra sale.
Joo-hyung will sich an dem Paar in Wohnung 501 rächen und geht ins Fitnessstudio. Währenddessen wird eine Person in das Gebäude gelassen und eine andere verlässt es.
Joo-hyung se rend à la salle de gym avec l'intention de se venger du couple du 501. Ailleurs, quelqu'un profite de la sortie d'une résidente pour entrer dans l'immeuble.