101동을 제외한 다른 동 전부가 끝장났다. 전화, 인터넷도 모두 끊기고, 이런 와중에도 입주민과 외부인, 임대와 비임대 간의 계속되는 갈등에 새봄과 이현은 괴롭다. 설상가상으로 먹을 것도 바닥을 드러내고...위험하지만 밖으로 나가야 한다. 새봄과 이현은 도시락 특공대를 꾸리는데..
All the apartments within the complex get infected, except Building 101. The phone lines and Internet get disconnected, and they are all on their own. Sae-bom and Yi-hyun struggle with the constant conflict between the renters and owners inside the building, including the people outside. Meanwhile, their food depletes, and they are left with only one option, to go outside.
La falta de suministros, telefonía y servicio de internet polariza aun más a los residentes. Oh Joo-hyung ofrece pagarles a quienes inspeccionen la zona.
Knapper werdende Vorräte und die fehlende Telefon- und Internetverbindung spalten die Bewohner*innen immer weiter. Oh Joo-hyung bietet Geld dafür, dass sich jemand draußen umsieht.
Le manque de provisions et d'accès au téléphone et à Internet accentue la tension entre les résidents. Oh Joo-hyung propose de payer des gens pour surveiller le secteur.