Home / Series / とっとこハム太郎 / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 36
Home / Series / とっとこハム太郎 / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 88

Nin-Ham The Ninja!

Laura's in her room, complaining about her score on her math test. (a fairly simple decimal multiplication test, with problems all of the same type) She only get 10% on it, but she could have gotten much higher, it's just that she accidentally skipped a problem and wrote the correct answers in the wrong places. Her Mom calls up to her and she realizes that she's supposed to be doing something with Kana today. She folds the test paper in her jacket pocket so her Mom doesn't see it. Hamtaro's there and kind of figures out what's going on. She heads downstairs and meets up with Kana, who's excited about getting 100% on the test. Laura's Mom asks what Laura got on the test. Laura lies that she got a 100% too and leaves. Outside, Kana asks if it's true and Laura tells her the real deal. Kana thinks that maybe Laura should tell the truth, but Laura's not so sure, especially considering how excited her Mom was. She'll just have to hope that she never asks to actually see the test. In the mean

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  • Originally Aired March 8, 2002
  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Production Code 235
  • Network TV Tokyo
  • Created April 17, 2018 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified February 24, 2022 by
Name Type Role
Geoffrey Way Writer