Set in the 1920's, Haikara-san ga Tooru is teh story of a high-spirited tomboy Benio and her relationship with a handsome half-German soldier named Shinobu. Benio is a very outgoing and athletic girl with firm ideas about being able to live her life as she wants to. When she first meets Shinobu, she dislikes him intensely, even though he manages to help her out of a series of embarrassing mishaps. She is therefore surprised when she finds out that she has been forced into an arranged marriage, and that her husband-to-be is none other than Shinobu! The story then has many twists and turns, as Shinobu has to fight in the war, Benio has to wrangle with the idea of getting married, and getting along with her future in-laws and employer. Meanwhile, the great Kanto earthquake looms in the future...
- Smart-san
- Here Comes Ms. Modern
- Haikara-san Passes
- Here Comes Miss High-Collar
- Mademoiselle Anne
- Here Comes the High Collar Lady
- Haikara-san ga Toru
Anne , figlia del maggiore Hanamura, viene promessa in sposa al tenente Yiun, all'età di diciassette anni. Nonostante il temperamento mascolino e una personalità non disposta alla sottomissione al potere paterno, la ragazza è costretta a trasferirsi presso la residenza Yuin, dove riceverà un'educazione adatta al rango nobiliare in attesa di celebrare nozze ufficiali.
Accettato il trasferimento anche su pressione del padre, Anne tenta l'impossibile per rompere il patto tra famiglie, tanto più, quando scopre che il fidanzamento è solo il frutto di una promessa stretta tra antenati e ora realizzata dai nonni di Shinobu.
Geboren als Einzelkind eines Majors, entwickelt sich das Mädchen Benio zum Wildfang, welche ein außerordentliches Geschick für Kampfkunst an den Tag legt. Im Alter von 17 Jahren soll Benio einen Jungen aus gutem Hause heiraten. Benio versucht sich von den alten Sitten zu befreien, um die eher romantische Vorstellung ihrer Zukunft zu verwirklichen. Wegen ihrer tollpatschigen und direkten Art wird das Mädchen oft vor prekäre Situationen gestellt, doch jeder scheint diesem aufrichtigen und liebreizenden Mädchen zu verzeihen.
القصة تحكي عن فتاة اسمها "بينو" وهذه الفتاة مختلفة عن باقي فتيات عصرها أي ترى أن المرأة من حقها اختيار حياتها وزوجها وأن يكون لها مكانة خاصة في المجتمع أي أنها تفكر بطريقة عصرية سابقة لعصرها، لأن عصرها المولودة فيه يتبع القاعدة هذه: (اتبعي والدك حين تكونين طفلة وزوجك بعد الزواج وابنك حين تكبرين بالسن).. بينو تكتشف بأن والدها قد خطبها لملازم نبيل يدعى "إيجوين" بدون علمها وهنا تبدأ برفض الزواج لكن دون جدوى فتقرر تهرب مع صديق لها وماذا سيحدث تاليًا لبطلتنا العصرية "بينو"..