Man soll Bücher nicht nach dem Einband beurteilen. Am Beginn einer Freundschaft sollte man Leute nicht ausschließlich nach ihrem Aussehen beurteilen.
Kodaka meets 10-year-old teacher Maria Takayama, who was tricked by Yozora into becoming the Neighbors Club's advisor. Later, an effeminate-looking boy named Yukimura Kusunoki joins the club so he can study Kodoka and become more manly. Later, Kodoka saves a scientific girl named Rika Shiguma after she collapsed in the science room. Wanting to repay him in a somewhat sexual manner, Rika joins the Neighbors Club, where it is revealed she is also fascinated with curious dirty magazines.
人は見た目だけで判断してはいけない。いくら子どものように見えても、女の子のように見えても、 白衣を着ていても内面は異なるかもしれない。先入観を持たずに接することが、友達になるために大事な一歩と言えよう。