Am Abend wollen sich die Mädchen einen Meteoritenschauer ansehen, doch der Ausflug scheint ins Wasser zu fallen als Jose die Mädchen nicht begleiten kann. Da Henrietta besonders traurig darüber ist, verspricht Triela für Ersatz zu sorgen. Doch irgendwie sind alle mit den Gedanken bei Angelica, die immer noch im Krankenhaus liegt. Ihre Zeit ist begrenzt und Henrietta versucht Marco zu überreden zu ihr zu gehen, solange er noch Zeit hat. (Text: Animax)
The girls plan to see a meteor shower, but Henrietta is distressed when Jose reveals that he is too busy and cannot attend. As a result, Triela tries to find a new chaperone, and Hilshire agrees after Triela helps him with his work. Meanwhile, Henrietta visits Angelica in the hospital, where Angelica hears a dog barking, causing her to remember her old dog. Henrietta relays this information to Marco, who is apathetic, but Henrietta implores him to visit his charge. He initially refuses and asks Henrietta whether she is dissatisfied with her mechanical condition, to which she responds that she has accepted who she is. Marco later goes to visit Angelica as the other girls go to see the meteor shower. The girls begin to sing Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 as Angelica listens to it in her hospital bedroom. She then asks Marco to read "Il Principe del Regno Della Pasta." It is strongly indicated that she dies as the story is read to her.
Angelica est en convalescence à l’hôpital. Claes aimerait que son amie puisse voir avec elle la pluie de météorites, mais ne pouvant quitter sa chambre, il lui est impossible d’être avec ses amies à ce moment-là. Toutefois, elle ne sera pas seule car elle va recevoir la visite inopinée d’une personne chère à son cœur...
Henrietta, Rico e Triela decidono di osservare le stelle cadenti, ma Giuseppe non può accompagnarle, poiché è impegnato. Triela chiede quindi a Hilscher di accompagnarle. Nel frattempo Henrietta fa visita ad Angelica in ospedale, e questa sente abbaiare un cane, ricordandosi del suo vecchio cane Pelo. Henrietta parla con Marco, dicendogli di andare a trovare Angelica. Marco giunge in ospedale, e Angelica gli chiede di raccontarle la fiaba Il principe del regno della pasta, mentre le altre bambine si recano a osservare le stelle cadenti e iniziano a cantare l'Inno alla gioia.