Having transferred to the Seiho Academy, Sekai discovers that he and Yuuma are in the same class. He challenges Yuuma to a battle but is bluntly rejected. Meanwhile, the school's student council has decided to merge the Gunpla Battle Club with the Plastic Model Club. To survive on its own, the Battle Club must defeat the Plamo Club in battle, and Yuuma is among the latter's players. With the Battle Club facing three-to-two odds, the battle seems like a mere formality, but Fumina's tactics let them put up a good fight. Miyaga loses his temper and deploys the huge mobile armor Agrissa, finally backing Fumina into a corner. But Yuuma, unable to accept that his club president is trying to win by ignoring the previously agreed rules, teams up with Sekai to destroy Miyaga's Agrissa. Thus, with the addition of Yuuma, team Try Fighters is finally formed!
Los Try Fighters tienen su primer encuentro de práctica con un trío femenino de la Escuela feminina de Saint Odessa.
本以为转而加入高达模型对战部会困难重重,谁知却一帆风顺。虽然大感意外,但佑马终于都成为对战部的会员。因为佑马的加入,文奈终于获得高达模型对战锦标赛的参赛资格,她立即请求顾问完成报名申请。面对即将来临的大会地区预赛,世海他们努力进行对战训练。这时对战部的顾问提出练习比赛,对手是圣敖德萨学园的队伍北宋之壶。她们是去年地区预赛四强之一的高手。此队伍的队长佐崎薰子因为喜欢使用强人型的机动战士而被称为「强子」。在许多观众的注视之下,Try Fighters的首场团队战终于开始。