The cracked vase. The peering eyes. Edward Gorey’s work is unmistakable. We are pleased to present “The Mummy’s Head,” the first of five short animations using previously unpublished audio recordings of the late writer, artist, puppeteer, playwright, and designer. Gorey was best known for his pen-and-ink illustrations on everything from book covers to the opening credits of PBS’s long-running series “Mystery!” (He wrote and illustrated a lot of his own books, too; more than a hundred of them, in fact, including "The Doubtful Guest" and "The Gashlycrumb Tinies.")
The cracked vase. The peering eyes. Edward Gorey’s work is unmistakable. So is his curmudgeonly attitude, on full display in “Fan Mail,” an animation about his epistolary relationship—or lack thereof—with his many admirers. “Fan Mail” is the second of five shorts using previously unpublished audio recordings of the late writer, artist, puppeteer, playwright, and designer. It is the work of filmmaker Christopher Seufert, currently working on a documentary about Gorey, and animators Benjamin and Jim Wickey.
Edward Gorey a world-class curmudgeon but no one could deny his passion for cats. Even when they destroyed his work. This is the third of five shorts using previously unpublished audio recordings of the late writer, artist, puppeteer, playwright, and designer made by filmmaker Christopher Seufert and animators Benjamin and Jim Wickey.
This is the fourth of five shorts using previously unpublished audio recordings of the late writer, artist, puppeteer, playwright, and designer made by filmmaker Christopher Seufert and animators Benjamin and Jim Wickey.
“People thought it was just too awful.” The story behind Edward Gorey’s “The Loathsome Couple.”