As Gintoki complains of writing News Years cards, Yorozuya learn of what his friends have done over the holidays. He also receives cards saying his friends have gotten married, while they have lied and just Photoshopped the photos. The episode ends with Kondo, Sachan and Hasegawa telling their story of how they wrote a News Years card. The second part starts with the same opening, but Gin complains of the lack of chocolate. Kagura has a chocolate for Gintoki and Shinpachi, but is too embarrassed to give to them. She enlists the help of Tsukuyo, and Sachan to help, but they are each too embarrassed to help her and make her give their chocolates to Gintoki. She indifferently give Gintoki and Shipachi the chocolate saying they were on the door step, as the happily run for the chocolate, they find all the chocolates were said to be from Kagura.
Gintoki se queja por tener que escribir las postales de Año Nuevo. Allí el Yorozuya recibe montones de cartas de sus conocidos... en las que en la mayoría dicen haberse casado con Sa-chan... y todas incluyen fotos photoshopeadas.
Alors que Gintoki se plaint d'avoir à écrire des cartes de Noël, le Yorozuya découvre ce que ses amis ont fait pendant leurs vacances.
은혼 204화는 철지난 연하장과 발렌타인데이를 소재로, 애니메이션 사상 유례를 찾아보기 힘들 정도로 황당무계 상식 배격 애니인 은혼이기에 가능한 기상천외하고 상상을 초월한 스토리가 전개된다.
I tuttofare sono impegnati a leggere la montagna di cartoline di auguri di buon anno che sono state recapitate loro.