Durch Hajimes Aktionen ist die Öffentlichkeit außer sich, Paiman wütend und ihre Teammitglieder am verzweifeln. Doch Hajime lässt sich davon nicht beeindrucken und folgt ihrem eingeschlagenen Weg. Dann taucht ein Wesen auf, dass sich LOAD nennt...
Despite knowing the risk it puts her life in, Utsutsu uses her power to heal the wounded, with Jou lending her his life force as well. Meanwhile, Sugane is at a loss for words when Hajime reveals her identity to Rui, which is captured on camera and broadcast across the city. The next day, as Hajime and Utsusu try to evade the press, she receives an invitation to meet with Rui in exchange for a successful escape with the help from some chosen GALAXers. They soon arrive at a hotel where they meet Rui, later joined by Sugane, who was also invited. Rui states that Gatchamen are unneccessary in the world he is trying to create with GALAX, though Hajime straight out rejects his suggestion to quit being Gatchamen.
A pesar de conocer el riesgo que pone su vida, Utsutsu usa su poder para curar a los heridos, y Joe también le presta su fuerza vital. Mientras tanto, Sugane se queda sin palabras cuando Hajime revela su identidad a Rui, que es capturada por la cámara y transmitida por toda la ciudad.
La decisione di Hajime ha infervorato l'opinione pubblica, mentre al contrario fa infuriare Paiman, finendo per esasperare i suoi compagni di squadra. Tuttavia, Hajime è indifferente alla loro agitazione e continua a marciare seguendo soltanto il proprio ritmo. Proprio in quel momento, riceve un invito da un individuo misterioso, chiamato LOAD.
La révélation d’Hajime a mis le monde sens dessus dessous. Paiman et le reste de la G-team sont bien évidemment furieux, mais Hajime reste sourde à leurs critiques et continue à faire comme bon lui semble. Arrive alors une invitation mystérieuse de la part d’un certain Load…
하지메의 행동으로 인해 세상 사람들은 깜짝 놀라고, 파이맨과 동료들은 당황하게 된다. 하지만 하지메는 자신의 페이스를 바꾸지 않는데… 그러던 어느 날, 하지메에게 로드라고 칭하는 인물로부터의 초대장이 도착한다.