Der Plan von King geht in die Endphase und das Eldo-Net verbindet sich mit dem weltweiten Netzwerk. Sword und Sophie sehen sich einer Horde Horrors umzingelt, doch werden unerwartet gerettet! Auch Gina und Luke entkommen in letzter Minute. Doch gibt es noch Hoffnung, King aufzuhalten?
Bishop remotely watches as the scene between King and Sophie unfolds and thinks back to when he recruited the naive Martin Hennes. Sword finds Sophie and they watch as King causes El Dorado to be bathed in a red light. Sword and Sophie are suddenly surrounded by hoards of demonic creatures, but they are rescued by Zaruba on a reconstructed motorcycle. Sword and Sophie then lead the surviving citizens out of El Dorado. With Sword, Luke and Gina reunited, they realize that King's plan was to use Sophie to take over her brother Martin via the Madou Ring Bishop gave him. A message from Lizzy is broadcast on all TV screens, warning that as King consumes the souls within El Dorado he will grow stronger. She also tells them that Sophie has administrator access to The Eldo Net storage unit that houses the souls. Zaruba convinces the despondent Sophie to join the others with the ruby colored gem given to her by Gina. Suddenly Knight and Queen attack the group, but Luke and Gina stay to fight the two 'blades' of King, while Sword rides back into El Dorado with Sophie.
Sophie descobre que era o gatilho que King havia preparado para seu irmão Martin, que não carregava consigo trevas alguma. Agora que King tomou posse do corpo de Martin, ele inicia o processo para soltar a ELDO NET pelo mundo todo.
Sophie es testigo de la terrible situación de su hermano y se derrumba por completo. Ahora es el turno de Sword y compañía acabar con King de una vez por todas.
Sophie scopre di essere stata l'esca che King aveva preparato per suo fratello Martin, che non aveva alcuna oscurità dentro di lui.