Auf der Suche nach Hinweisen findet Sophie in einem Schreibtisch Briefe, die angeblich von ihr stammen und an ihren Bruder gerichtet sind. Doch noch bevor sie der Sache nachgehen kann, werden sie, Sword und Luke angegriffen! Im Eifer des Gefechts wird Sophie entführt und steht plötzlich King gegenüber…
Bishop sets in motion plans to capture Sophie, an apparent obsession of King. Sophie researches the GarEden Corporation online and finds it merged 10 years ago with Signa Slam, a company that Sword recalls was involved in a Horrors attack which resulted in his sister's death. Inside El Dorado, Sword, Luke and Sophie find that Makai plants are taking over, devouring the human population as they go but find a lone human survivor. They encounter Queen who uses the carnivorous plants to attack them while the survivor turns into the Makai Alchemist Stanley who abducts Sophie. She manages to escape into the complex, where she finds a door marked Martin Hennes. On touching the control panel, the door opens, and she finds what appears to be her brother’s office, a diary and many fake letters to him apparently written by her. She is caught again by Stanley, but Sword and Luke find her and the battle continues. However, Sword is unable to stop Bishop who throws Sophie into a vat of liquid at the center of the birthplace of Eldorado and she loses consciousness. She appears to awake back at home where she sees Sword and his sister Lizzy, and meets her brother Martin.
Sword, Luke, e Sophie preparem-se para invadir a Corporação GarEden, mas chegaram tarde demais: a verdadeira El Dorado já está pronta. Eles entram correndo, sabendo que seus inimigos o esperam lá dentro... E querem a Sophie.
Nuestros protagonistas siguen buscando pistas sobre King, pero parece que sus enemigos también los estaban buscando a ellos, así que quizás haya que pelear para seguir adelante.
Sword, Luke e Sophie si preparano ad attaccare la Gareden solo per scoprire che è troppo tardi, il vero El Dorado ha raggiunto il suo completamento.