On a rainy night, while sheltering from the rain, Fujita enters the basement Grain Bar. Meanwhile police arrive in a car and wait for backup. In the bar, there is only the owner-barman and a single female customer After sampling an aged Irish whisky, Fujita's eye is taken by a copy of Van Gogh's Chair. He offers to clean off the years of smoke and dust, in exchange for another whisky. While cleaning, he observes that the pipe on the chair is different. Then, the female customer tells Fujita that the artist was the father of a friend of hers who bought her father a pipe, but they later became estranged and he died. Fujita realizes that she is talking about her own father and says that the pipe in the painting was the one she bought her father and he treasured it for many years. As the time approaches midnight, Fujita warns the owner that police are waiting in the street above, however he says he cannot run while he still has two customers. As Fujita and the lady leave, the police raid the bar to arrest the owner for his part in a 100 million bank robbery some years ago.